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Your core is the central part of your body, helping you stay balanced when you move. Increasing your core stability means making the muscles of your trunk stronger to keep your spine and body stable. Core exercises help everyone, from older people to top professional athletes.
Classic examples of core exercises include planks, situps and fitness ball exercises. It's more important to do these exercises well rather than do a lot of them. With any core exercise, be sure to:
Also called breathing with your diaphragm. Your diaphragm is the muscle that helps move air in and out of your lungs. To breathe with your belly:
Neutral spine is another name for proper back posture. A healthy back has three curves that give your spine an “S” shape. To find your neutral spine:
You can try belly breathing and finding your neutral spine just about anywhere. If you work with a physical therapist, they can help ensure you’ve learned to use the right muscles and breathe normally while exercising.
Fuente: Healthwise
Sharp Health Plan ofrece Sharp Direct Advantage. Sharp Health Plan es una HMO con un contrato de Medicare. La afiliación a Sharp Health Plan depende de la renovación del contrato. Lea el descargo de responsabilidad completo.
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